Simp Fables: a blog about sex and trauma.

  • “Sugar Daddy”

    “Sugar Daddy”

         Being a sugar daddy sucks.      So much shame & guilt results. I am codependent through & through.      I feel guilt about how “abruptly” that I door-slammed her.           She was using me.                I meant nothing to her.                     My                          feelings                     hurt                          even                     though                          I never loved her.                I was doing my best.                Somehow, that never feels good…

  • Suffering Under a Blue Sky

    Suffering Under a Blue Sky

    Whenever you look up at a beautiful blue sky, consider how much suffering is contained underneath.

  • A Typical Internet Prostitute

    A Typical Internet Prostitute

    After negotiating by text for about 1 week, I finally got traction setting up a meeting with a former stripper on 7/14. We set up a date for 7/15 at 5:30PM. I sent a verification picture. She asked what type of verification, if any, that I would like in return. Around the mid-afternoon of 7/15,…

  • Relationships as Competition

    Relationships as Competition

    Growing up, my family instilled a notion of human relationships, particularly within the family system, as some sort of competition to outdo each other for status. I think this unhealthy perspective still poisons my ability to connect with other people today even though I’m aware of it. This misinformed notion was a building block of…

  • Steady Simpin

    Steady Simpin

    I’m not exactly writing to a public audience here, but yes, I am posting on the public internet. Feel free to read. After spending too much money on (sometimes) attractive people from an unhealthy codependent place in my heart, I realized the need to process my experiences. Multiple people have reported the entertainment value of…

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